Squeamish Ossifrage

In 1977, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, the inventors of the RSA cryptosystem, posed a challenge: decompose a 129-digit RSA modulus into its two factors, which then could be used to decrypt an enciphered message for a reward of 100 US dollars.

The challenge went unsolved until 1994, when a handful of engineers and mathematicians led a distributed computing project that leveraged 600 participants and 1600 computers to successfully factor it. Decrypted, the message was:


Taking groups of two decimal digits as letters and zeroes as spaces, this decoded to THE MAGIC WORDS ARE SQUEAMISH OSSIFRAGE - and the researchers claimed their $100 prize.

Here are two similar challenges encoded in the same way using 512-bit RSA, each decoding to half of an important asset code. Maybe having more than one makes it easier?



Difficulty: ★★


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